- 优势:组织健康胜于一切(白金版)
- (美)帕特里克·兰西奥尼
- 227字
- 2025-01-15 16:00:12
《CEO的五大诱惑》(The Five Temptations of a CEO)
《CEO的四大迷思》(The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive)
《团队协作的五大障碍》(The Five Dysfunctions of a Team)
《克服团队协作的五种障碍》(Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team)
《别被会议累死》(Death by Meeting)
《打破部门壁垒》(Silos,Politics and Turf Wars)
《员工敬业的真相》(The Truth about Employee Engagement)
《六大工作天赋》(The 6 Types of Working Genius)
《困扰忙乱家庭的三个重要问题》(The Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family)
《示人以真》(Getting Naked)
《理想的团队成员》(The Ideal Team Player)
《动机:领导者的定位与职责》(The Motive:Why So Many Leaders Abdicate Their Most Important Responsibilities)