- GB 51158-2015 通信线路工程设计规范(英文版)
- 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部
- 256字
- 2021-05-28 16:39:18
4.4 Terminal Equipment Selection
4.4.1 ODF for optical cable terminating shall satisfy the following requirements:
1 If the spare capacity of the original ODF in the equipment room can meet the current needs,new ODF cannot be configured.
2 The capacity of newly configured ODF shall be in line with the terminal demand of the drop optical cables.The boundary dimension and color of the new ODF should be consistent with the original equipment.Terminal tail fibers shall be of the same type as fibers in optical cables.
3 The central metal strength member fixture device for optical cables in ODF shall be insulated from the ODF.
4 The capacity of optical fiber terminal devices shall match the number of fibers.The coiling radius and capacity of the fiber tray shall be big enough for optical fibers to install.
4.4.2 The configuration of optical cable cross connecting cabinets shall satisfy the following requirements:
1 Optical cable cross connecting cabinets shall have a range of functions,including fixing,protecting,terminating,splicing,and scheduling optical fibers.
2 The capacity of the new optical cable cross connecting cabinets shall be configured according to the maximum demand of the final planning,and shall be determined by referencing the commonly used capacity series for optical cable cross connecting cabinets.
3 The capacity of optical cable cross connecting cabinets shall match the cable terminals into the cabinets and the demand for coiling.The installation space of other equipment such as optical splitters shall be reserved when necessary.