- AngularJS Directives Cookbook
- Fernando Monteiro
- 190字
- 2021-07-30 10:09:01
About the Author
Fernando Monteiro is a frontend engineer, speaker, open source contributor, and the mind behind the Responsive Boilerplate—a CSS library built with Less.js for responsive layouts. He contributes several articles and materials on design, development, and user experience on his blog and for the entire web community.
He is passionate about web standards, frontend development, JavaScript, and mobile design, and he spent the last 13 years creating high-end graphic and web experiences. He has also authored two books, namely, Instant HTML5 Responsive Table Design How-to and Learning Single-page Web Application Development, both by Packt Publishing.
Currently, he works full-time with AngularJS as a frontend engineer in one of the most important genetic analysis companies in Brazil. You can find more about him at www.newaeonweb.com.br.
I would like to thank everyone who supported me on this journey, my son, Mateus, for always being by my side; Ellen for all the moments of encouragement; Henrique; my mother, Paschoalina Patrizzi; and my sister, Marcia Monteiro.
I would also like to thank all the staff at Packt Publishing, who I was directly in contact with, for their patience and support.