
表2-14 Johnson-Cook模型参数(一)

HUGH E, GARDENIER I V. An Experimental Technique for Developing Intermediate Strain Rates in Ductile Metals [D]. Wright-Patterson, USA:AIR FORCE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 2008.

表2-15 Johnson-Cook模型参数(二)

ZACHARY A, KENNAN. Determination of the Constitutive Equations for 1080 Steel and VascoMax 300 [D]. Wright-Patterson, USA:AIR FORCE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 2005.

表2-16 Johnson-Cook模型参数(三)

LIST G, SUTTER G, BOUTHICHE A. Cutting Temperature Prediction in High Speed Machining by Numerical Modelling of Chip Formation and its Dependence with Crater Wear [J]. International Journal of Machine Tools&Manufacture, 2011, 1-9.


ANSYS LS-DYNA User's Guide [R]. ANSYS, 2008.