

"Did Mr.Chase make any objection to giving you the cash?" asked Tom, as he shoved the controller over another notch, and caused the motor to make a higher note in its song of speed.

"Oh, no, he was very nice about it," replied Mr.Damon."He said he hoped our bank would pull through.Said if we needed more cash we could have it."It was nearly one o'clock, and they had the worst part of the journey yet to go.Thirty miles of stiff roads lay between them and Shopton, the last five and the first five being fairly good, with, here and there, soft spots.

Up hill and down went the electric auto.At every opportunity Tom let out all the speed he could draw from the motor, but there were many times when he had to slow down.He had just made the ascent of a steep hill, and was turning into a fairly good road, skirting the edge of a steep cliff, when there came a sharp report.

"Bless my soul! That's a fuse, I'm sure of it!" cried Mr.Damon.

"No," announced Tom, as he quickly shut off the power."It's a puncture.One of the inner tubes of the tire has been pierced.I was afraid of that tube.""What have you got to do; put on a new tire?" asked Mr.Damon.

"No, I'm going to put on a new wheel.I carry two spare ones with tires all ready inflated.It won't take long."But the process of changing wheels consumed more time than Tom anticipated for the nut was stuck, and he and Mr.Damon had to exert all their strength before they could loosen it.When the new wheel was in place ten minutes had been lost.

"Hold on now, I'm going to speed her!" cried Tom, when they were once more in their seats, and speed the machine he did.The road was rough, but despite this the lad turned on almost full power.Over the bumps they went, around curves and into rain- washed ruts careening fromside to side, and throwing Mr.Damon about, as he expressed it afterward, "like a bean inside of a football." As for the young inventor his grasp of the steering wheel, and the manner in which he could brace himself against the foot pedals, held him more firmly in place.On and on they rushed, covering mile after mile, and approaching Shopton where so much depended on their arrival.

Good and bad stretches of the road alternated, but now that Tom had seen of what mettle his car was made, he did not spare it as much as he had on the first trip.He saw that his machine would stand hard knocks, and the way the battery and motor was behaving was a joy to him.He knew that if he could make that eighty-mile run in safety he stood a good chance of winning the prize, for no harder test could have been devised.

But the race was still far from won.There was a particularly unsafe stretch of road yet to be covered, and then would come a smooth highway into Shopton.