Achievement 成就
Afterlife 来世
Ageing 衰老
Altruism 利他主义
Ambivalence 矛盾心理
Anger 愤怒
Anxiety 焦虑
Argument 争论
Asceticism 禁欲主义
Assisted Dying 辅助死亡
Authenticity 真实
Authority 权威
Acceptance see Contentment “接受”见“知足”
Addiction see Self-Control “成瘾”见“自制力”
Aloneness see Solitude “孤单”见“独处”
Alternative Medicine see Evidence “替代疗法”见“证据”
Ambition see Achievement “抱负”见“成就”
Appreciation see Gratitude “感谢”见“感恩”
Balance 平衡
Bereavement 丧亲
Betrayal 背叛
The Body 身体
Boredom 无聊
Busyness 忙碌
Bad Faith see Self-Deception “自欺”见“自我欺骗”
Beautification see Objectification “美化”见“物化”
Blame see Responsibility “责备”见“责任”
Calm 平静
Career 职业
Carpe Diem 及时行乐
Change 变化
Character 品格
Charity 慈善
Choice 选择
Commitment 承诺
Community 社群
Competition 竞争
Consent 同意
Consumerism 消费主义
Contentment 知足
Control 控制
Cosmic Insignificance 宇宙无意义
Courage 勇气
Children see Parenthood “孩子”见“为人父母”
Companion Animals see Pets “动物伙伴”见“宠物”
Compassion see Empathy,Love “同情”见“同理心”“爱”
Craft see Leisure “手艺”见“休闲”
Dating 约会
Death 死亡
Desires 欲望
Dilemmas 困境
Duty 义务
Decision-Making see Choice,Indecision “决定”见“选择”“优柔寡断”
Depression see Melancholy “沮丧”见“忧郁”
Dieting see Self-Control “节食”见“自制力”
Disappointment see Frustration “失望”见“挫折”
Divorce see Love “离婚”见“爱”
Doubt see Uncertainty “怀疑”见“不确定性”
Education 教育
Embarrassment 尴尬
Emotions 情绪
Empathy 同理心
Envy 嫉妒
Evidence 证据
Evil 邪恶
The Environment see Nature “环境”见“自然”
Failure 失败
Faith 信仰
Family 家庭
Fate 命运
Fear 恐惧
Food and Drink 饮食
Forgiveness 宽恕
Freedom 自由
Free Will 自由意志
Friendship 友谊
Frustration 挫折
Fame see Reputation “名声”见“名誉”
Fear of Missing Out see Travel “错过的恐惧”见“旅行”
Feelings see Emotions “情感”见“情绪”
Frugality see Simplicity “节俭”见“简单生活”
Gossip 闲聊
Gratitude 感恩
Guilt and Shame 愧疚与羞耻
Habits 习惯
Happiness 幸福
Health and Illness 健康与疾病
Home 家
Hope 希望
Human Nature 人性
Humility see Pride “谦逊”见“骄傲”
Identity 身份
Impostor Syndrome 冒名顶替综合征
Indecision 优柔寡断
Inner Life 内心生活
Insecurity 不安全
Integrity 正直
Intuition 直觉
Idleness see Leisure “懒惰”见“休闲”
Illness see Health and Illness “疾病”见“健康与疾病”
Infidelity see Betrayal “不忠”见“背叛”
Irrationality see Rationality “不理性”见“理性”
Jealousy 妒忌
Justice 公正
Joy see Happiness “快乐”见“幸福”
Knowledge 知识
Kindness see Empathy “善良”见“同理心”
Leisure 休闲
Loss 损失
Love 爱
Love of Life 热爱生命
Loyalty 忠诚
Luck 运气
Lying 谎言
Loneliness see Solitude “寂寞”见“独处”
Meaning 意义
Melancholy 忧郁
Memory 记忆
Mental Health 心理健康
Midlife Crisis 中年危机
Mindfulness 正念
Mistakes 错误
Moods 心情
Mortality 不朽
Motivation 动力
Moderation see Balance “节制”见“平衡”
Money see Wealth “金钱”见“财富”
Nature 自然
Needs 需求
Noise 噪音
Narcissism see Self-Love “自恋”见“自爱”
Neighbours see Other People “邻居”见“他人”
Objectification 物化
Office Politics 办公室政治
Optimism 乐观主义
Other People 他人
Pain 痛苦
Parenthood 为人父母
Patriotism 爱国主义
Perfectionism 完美主义
Perseverance 毅力
Pessimism 悲观主义
Pets 宠物
Pleasure 愉悦
Pride 骄傲
Problems 问题
Protest 抗议
Purpose 目的
Play see Leisure “玩耍”见“休闲”
Potential see Self-Actualisation “潜能”见“自我实现”
Rationality 理性
Regret 后悔
Relationships 情侣关系
Reputation 名誉
Resilience 韧性
Responsibility 责任
Retirement 退休
Right and Wrong 对与错
Risk 风险
Routine 按部就班
Relaxation see Leisure “消遣”见“休闲”
Self-Absorption 专心致志
Self-Actualisation 自我实现
Self-Care 自我照顾
Self-Confidence 自信
Self-Control 自制力
Self-Deception 自我欺骗
Self-Knowledge 自我认识
Self-Love 自爱
Selfishness 自私
Silence 安静
Simplicity 简单生活
Sleep 睡眠
Slowing Down 慢生活
Solitude 独处
Stress 压力
Suffering 苦难
Sadness see Melancholy “悲伤”见“忧郁”
Security see Insecurity “安全”见“不安全”
Self-Esteem see Self-Love “自尊”见“自爱”
Shame see Guilt and Shame “羞耻”见“愧疚与羞耻”
Social media see Virtual Life “社交媒体”见“虚拟生活”
Success see Achievement “成功”见“成就”
Supernatural see Nature “超自然”见“自然”
Tolerance 宽容
Travel 旅行
Trust 信任
Truth 真相
Temptation see Self-Control “诱惑”见“自制力”
Uncertainty 不确定性
Unconscious 无意识
Unemployment 失业
Values 价值观
Vegetarianism 素食主义
Virtual Life 虚拟生活
Virtue 美德
Vulnerability 脆弱
Vanity see Pride “虚荣”见“骄傲”
Wealth 财富
What If 假如
Wisdom 智慧
Work 工作
Worrying 忧虑
Weakness of Will see Self-Control “意志薄弱”见“自制力”
Willpower see Self-Control “意志力”见“自制力”
Work-Life Balance see Leisure “工作与生活的平衡”见“休闲”
Zest see Love of Life “热情”见“热爱生命”
更新时间:2022-09-22 11:51:19