Mastering Mesos
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Chapter 1. Introducing Mesos
Introduction to the datacenter OS and architecture of Mesos
The architecture of Mesos
Introduction to frameworks
The attributes and resources of Mesos
Two-level scheduling
Resource allocation
Resource isolation
Monitoring in Mesos
The Mesos API
Mesos in production
Chapter 2. Mesos Internals
Scaling and efficiency
Mesos modules
High availability and fault tolerance
Persistent Volumes
Chapter 3. Getting Started with Mesos
Virtual Machine (VM) instances
Setting up a multi-node Mesos cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Setting up a multi-node Mesos cluster on Google Compute Engine (GCE)
Setting up a multi-node Mesos cluster on Microsoft Azure
Setting up a multi-node Mesos cluster on your private datacenter
Debugging and troubleshooting
Chapter 4. Service Scheduling and Management Frameworks
Using Marathon to launch and manage long-running applications on Mesos
Multi-node Marathon cluster setup
Chronos as a cluster scheduler
Chronos plus Marathon
Introduction to Apache Aurora
Introduction to Singularity
Service discovery using Marathoner
Service discovery using Consul
Load balancing with HAProxy
Bamboo - Automatically configuring HAProxy for Mesos plus Marathon
Introduction to Netflix Fenzo
Introduction to PaaSTA
A comparative analysis of different Scheduling/Management frameworks
Chapter 5. Mesos Cluster Deployment
Deploying and configuring a Mesos cluster using Ansible
Deploying and configuring Mesos cluster using Puppet
Deploying and configuring a Mesos cluster using SaltStack
Deploying and configuring a Mesos cluster using Chef
Deploying and configuring a Mesos cluster using Terraform
Deploying and configuring a Mesos cluster using Cloudformation
Creating test environments using Playa Mesos
Monitoring the Mesos cluster using Nagios
Monitoring the Mesos cluster using Satellite
Common deployment issues and solutions
Chapter 6. Mesos Frameworks
Introduction to Mesos frameworks
Frameworks – Authentication authorization and access control
The Mesos API
Building a custom framework on Mesos
Chapter 7. Mesos Containerizers
Mesos containerizer
Networking for Mesos-managed containers
Mesos Image Provisioner
Mesos fetcher
Deploying containerized apps using Docker and Mesos
Chapter 8. Mesos Big Data Frameworks
Hadoop on Mesos
Spark on Mesos
Storm on Mesos
Samza on Mesos
Chapter 9. Mesos Big Data Frameworks 2
Cassandra on Mesos
The Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK) stack on Mesos
Kafka on Mesos
更新时间:2021-07-16 10:45:15